Minggu, 27 April 2014

bahasa inggris - softskill

Three Lost Teenagers Found
      Three teenagers who were lost in the woods for three days were foud early this morning. They were tired and hungry, but healthy and happy to be found. John Lee, 15, Adam Montez, 15, and Luke Jones, 16, had left early Saturday morning to go hiking in the mountain. They said they had planned to hike for a few hours into their hike, they realized that they were lost. We followed a trail for a while,” Lee explained, “but then we decided to take a shortcut to the river. On our way back, Adam fell and sprained his ankle. Luke and I helped him walk, but we couldn’t find the trail again. We didn’t know where we were or how to get back to Luke’s car.”
You have to do:
1.     Find write the words of parts of speech as many as possible such as!
a.     Verb :  decided, fell, realized ,found,lost were, had, get
b.     Noun : three teenager
c.      Adjective : healthy, happy, early, hungry
d.     Adverb : this morning, Saturday, then

2.     Change the green sentences into direct speech !
IS :They said they had planned to hike for a few hours into their hike
DS : They said that they have planned to hiking for a few hours into their hike
3.     Change the red sentences into indirect speech !
DS : We followed a trail for a while,”lee explained,
IS :  Lee explained that they had followed a trail for a while

NPM : 19210566
KELAS: 4 EA 11

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